Glucose-based substance - Dextran, used for blood loss and for the rapid delivery of drugs into the body. Novosibirsk scientists have been studying the properties of oxidized dextran for a long time. The form of the substance is able to activate macrophages ─ immunity cells,which absorb foreign and harmful particles, fight inflammation. “First they checked his safety, she was very tall. Oxidized dextran has no side and toxic effects, at the same time, through the activation of macrophages, it has unique therapeutic effects", ─ explained the head of the laboratory of biocompatible nanoparticles, of nanomaterials and means of targeted delivery of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine Alexander Troitsky. Proven in the lab,then on mice. Injected toxins, that cause inflammation in the lungs and liver. After dextran mice quickly recovered. Request for new research came from urologists-andrologists. Elena Novikova deals with male infertility 20 years. Tells,men are diagnosed in half the cases, many reasons: infections, prostatitis. Every second patient has no spermatozoa at all. Most likely,consequences of COVID-19. “When using oxidized dextran, the number of spermatozoa increases significantly, and this is the main criterion for, to get pregnant, including in the natural cycle, ─ the doctor explained. More than a thousand volunteers took part in clinical observations. The production of the drug is established in Novosibirsk. Scientists continue to study dextran. Known, that it helps to restore nervous and vascular tissues, which means, can be used in wound healing, treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Source Vesti Novosibirsk