Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine" announces a competition for the following scientific positions:
- Chief Researcher - Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Free Radical Processes.
- Chief Researcher - Head of the Laboratory of Immunology.
- Chief Researcher - Head of the Laboratory of the Pathogenesis of Socially Significant Diseases.
- Chief Researcher, Group of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology.
Activity. Development, general management and implementation of fundamental, search and applied research works, organization of work of laboratories.
Requirements for a candidate. Applicant must have publications in journals, indexed in Russian and international information and analytical systems of scientific citation (RINC, Web of Sciences, Scopus), monographs, patents, Database, computer programs, know-how; guidelines, teaching aids, information letters, implementation acts. Applicant must have a PhD degree, work experience in senior positions in the industry relevant to the profile of the institution at least 5 years; scientific experience not less than 10 years, experience in scientific and organizational work, scientific laboratory management and (or) department, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity, participation in the work of dissertation councils.
Terms of the employment contract. Employment contract for a fixed period, until the expiration of the term of office of the director of the FIC MTM (on 14.04.2026 Mr.) with monthly salary 35672 ruble, the obligation to fulfill the individual quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the scientific work of the Employee, approved for the Employee by the Employer. Incentive payments are made based on the results of labor activity, in accordance with the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of FIC FTM, social package is not provided.
Labor activity. Organization and general management of the implementation of planned research and other work; scientific management of research in independent areas of fundamental and (or) applied research; development of work plans for departments of the institute. Monitoring the performance of tasks by laboratory staff, coordination of the activities of the staff and graduate students of the laboratory; organization of events to improve the effectiveness of scientific activities of employees. Ensuring the preparation of scientific and other reports on work, carried out by laboratory staff. Determining the needs of laboratories for equipment, materials and other resources, development of measures to provide these resources, rational use. Ensuring a rational distribution of workers, measures to improve their qualifications and creative activity. Responsibility for compliance with labor discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection and safety. Participation in recruitment, their certification and performance evaluation, submission of offers for payment and incentives for laboratory employees, imposing disciplinary sanctions on them.
Competition will be held 09 March 2023 years in 11.00 hours in office no. 148 FIC FTM. Acceptance of documents for participation in the Competition begins 15 February 2023 G. and ends 07 March 2023 G.
Submit the application and documents in printed form to the Tender Commission at: city Novosibirsk, Timakova street, 2, HR department of FIC FTM, cabinet 148, With 9-00 to 16-30. The application and documents can be submitted electronically to the email address: ok@centercem.ru. Help by email and phone: +7(383)333-68-23.
The set of documents submitted for participation in the competition must include:
(1) applicant's application to the Competition Commission on participation in the competition, containing a surname, name, patronymic and date of birth of the applicant;
(2) autobiography (CV) applicant with information on compliance with the conditions of the competition, including: information about higher education and qualifications, degree (in the presence of) and academic title (in the presence of), information about seniority and work experience; a complete list of scientific publications and results of intellectual activity (patents, copyright certificates), list of grants, which the applicant has directed or participated in, and (or) contracts for the performance of research work;
(3) photocopies/scans of documents, confirming the qualifications of the applicant (diplomas of higher education and the availability of an academic degree / title, etc.).
The Applicant has the right to submit other materials to the Tender Committee, that most fully characterize his qualifications, experience and performance.
The announcement of the competition and the list of required documents are posted on the website of the Center (https://frcftm.ru).
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine" announces a competition for the following scientific positions:
- Junior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Addictions
Requirements for a candidate. The applicant must have a higher profile education. Applicant must have professional knowledge, ability to conduct scientific research and master the following methods: methods of statistical data processing. Applicant must have experience working with laboratory animals, have skills in working with English-language literature. The applicant must have at least 3 publications in the last three years in physiology in domestic and foreign journals, indexed in WoS/Scopus databases. The applicant must have experience of participating as an executor in scientific projects, supported by RFBR and other organizations.
Terms of the employment contract. Permanent employment contract with a monthly salary of 24752 rubles, the obligation to fulfill the individual quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the scientific work of the Employee, approved for the Employee by the Employer. Incentive payments are made based on the results of labor activity, in accordance with the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of FIC FTM, social package according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Labor activity. Researching, performance of individual tasks within the framework of solving research problems. Competition will be held 29 May 2023 years in 11 hours in office no. 148 FIC FTM. Acceptance of documents for participation in the Competition begins 27 March 2023 G. and ends on May 26 2023 G. Submit the application and documents in printed form to the Tender Commission at: city Novosibirsk, Timakova street, 2, HR department of FIC FTM, cabinet 148, With 9-00 until 16-30. The application and documents can be submitted electronically to the email address: ok@centercem.ru. Help by email and phone: +7(383)274-94-75.
The set of documents submitted for participation in the competition must include:
(1) applicant's application to the Competition Commission on participation in the competition, containing a surname, name, patronymic and date of birth of the applicant;
(2) autobiography (CV) applicant with information on compliance with the conditions of the competition, including: information about higher education and qualifications, degree (available) and academic title (in the presence of), information about seniority and work experience; full list of scientific publications and results of intellectual activity (patents,copyright certificates), list of grants, which the applicant managed or participated in and (or) contracts for the performance of research work;
(3) photocopies/scans of documents, confirming the qualifications of the applicant (diplomas of higher education and the availability of an academic degree / title, etc.).
The Applicant has the right to submit other materials to the Tender Committee, which most fully characterize his qualifications, experience and performance.
The announcement of the competition and the list of required documents are posted on the website of the Center(https://frcftm.ru).