In order to preserve and improve people's health, we are implementing the strategy of our Center, which consists in determining modern scientific directions, the achievements of which in the near future will form the basis of methods for preventing diseases and diagnosing them, treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
We believe, that uniting fundamental science, modern achievements of medicine and constant professional development of specialists we will preserve and improve people's health!
Already today we have a number of scientific developments, which we successfully transmit to the clinic. These are new technologies for the use of biochemical molecules for the diagnosis of socially significant diseases., the use of special means of drug delivery, development of new methods of rehabilitation and much more. Research in the field of ecology and human biology will determine the risk factors for the development of population diseases, and research in the field of virology - to prevent the spread of infections, control them with preventive vaccines and other technologies, including those developed in our research center.
We have implemented a comprehensive approach to human health problems, biology, ecology, virology, immunology, biochemistry, pathomorphology, biophysics through a productive combination of science, clinical medicine, training and personnel policy, organization of production of own developments for practical application.
With the harmonious unification of the leading research institutes of Siberia into a research center, we have set ourselves the goal of preserving and increasing all scientific assets with their subsequent application.
Fundamental medicine is the field of experimental science, whose task is to apply the achievements of the natural sciences in medicine, first of all, biology, as well as the adaptation of the methods and approaches used in these sciences for clinical purposes.
In order to indicate the dynamics of transferring the results of fundamental science to clinical application, the name of our center uses the phrases fundamental medicine and translational medicine..
Translational medicine is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, combining elements of clinical medicine and the latest advances in molecular and cellular biology, physiology, genetics, bioinformatics, pharmacology, chemistry, physics and other areas of knowledge for the fastest and most efficient development and application of new therapeutic and diagnostic approaches in the clinic.