Center for collective use of scientific equipment "Proteomic analysis"
Head of the CKP
Goreva Olga Borisovna
candidate of biological sciences
+7 (383) 333 40 33
general information
Center for collective use of scientific equipment (CCP) created in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine" (FIC FTM) for the purpose of practical implementation of the innovative activities of FIC FTM, concentration of intellectual potential, technical means and technological equipment to improve the quality of scientific research, development of modern technologies.
CCU is a structural subdivision, created on a functional basis and operates on the basis of the structural subdivisions of the FIC MTF and is formed from among the employees of the Center.
Object code of the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure of the Russian Federation: 201716
Year of creation: 2011
CUC "Proteomic Analysis" is organized on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NIIMBB SO RAMS in 2011 year to carry out comprehensive research, related to the proteomic analysis of biological objects.
AT 2017 year, as part of the reorganization, NIIMBB became part of the FIC FTM, which became the base organization of the CUC "Proteomic Analysis". The center operates on the basis of the regulation, approved by FIC FTM, as a structural subdivision on the basis of NIIMBB and EIZI, equipped with modern high-tech equipment.
To ensure effective scientific activity, the Center for Collective Use "Proteomny Analysis" continues to develop as a universal experimental complex, supporting cell biology technologies (from cell culture of eukaryotic organisms to high-throughput multi-parameter analysis of biosamples, including analysis of intercellular interactions and intracellular signaling mechanisms), laser microdissection, proteomic analysis (methods one- and multidimensional separation of proteins, DIKES), high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, laser microdissection, as well as genomic analysis (real-time PCR methods, digital quantitative PCR, NGS-sequencing, Sanger sequencing). The high qualification of the Center's employees is confirmed by many years of experience., reviews, received from international biomedical organizations after internships for the Center's employees, and publications in leading domestic and foreign scientific journals.
The intensively expanding instrumental base of the Center currently allows for a wide range of research work in the field of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Center employees conduct research on grants, government contracts, treaties, topics of budget financing, doctoral, PhD theses and theses. Research customers are the Institute, as well as third parties.
Within the framework of contracts and inter-institutional agreements, the Center for Collective Use "Proteomny Analysis" cooperates with institutes, research organizations, Universities and companies of Novosibirsk, Tomsk, near and far abroad. The employees of the Center provide fast and high-quality implementation of the required research for all interested third-party government and commercial organizations.
results, obtained during research, are used as a basis for preparing publications in Russian and foreign publications. Usually, the specialists of the Center are part of the team of authors of these publications, and also take an active part in the presentation of the obtained data at domestic and international scientific conferences.
It is important to note, that the Center for Collective Use "Proteomic Analysis" is the basis for the scientific activities of young scientists and students from various universities in Novosibirsk and Tomsk. Center staff actively involve young people in research work, conduct training on the equipment of the Center, give lectures and organize seminars in specific areas of biomedicine.
It is planned to further develop the Center for Collective Use "Proteomic Analysis" to the level of an inter-institutional center, who will fulfill applications for comprehensive research from scientific supervisors of RFBR projects, FTP, RNF, NRU, subordinate to FASO Russia, as well as domestic and foreign commercial organizations.