AT 2024 turns one year old 100 anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Russian scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAMS) KAZNACHEEV Vlail Petrovych, participant of the Great Patriotic War, honorary resident of the city of Novosibirsk, organizer of the Siberian branch (departments) Academy of Medical Sciences and the first academic institute in its structure - the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM), in 1970 year in Novosibirsk. 19 March 2024 year, a start was given to months-long anniversary celebrations within the framework of the Plan, approved by the Federal Research Center for Basic and Translational Medicine (FIC FTM), successor of IKEM. At MBOU Gymnasium No. 9, where Kaznacheev V.P.. studied with 4 on 10 classes, and after the end of which he immediately went to the WWII front, Anniversary “Treasurer Readings” were held, within the framework of which scientists from the FRC FTM made reports on his scientific and scientific-organizational activities, as well as his seminal work in the field of heliobiology and cosmic anthropoecology.