Koskina Irina Vladimirovna
Education (information from the diploma)
The level of education: higher
Organization, issuer of education certificate: Novosibirsk Medical Institute
Year of issue: 1997G.
Qualification: doctor
Speciality: medical business
Information from the certificate / certificate of accreditation of a specialist
speciality, appropriate to the post: Therapy
Validity: to 2022 G.
basic information
Work experience in a medical specialty: 24 of the year.
Doctor's qualification category: the highest
Academic degree: –
Speciality: medical business
Professional Interests
Respiratory diseases
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Kidney disease
Rehabilitation after suffering a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Rehabilitation after an acute myocardial infarction, stenting
Treatment of chronic opisthorchiasis of the biliary tract
An individual approach to each patient, taking into account the combination of all the diseases he has
Selection of medicines, considering liver function, kidney problems and possible drug interactions.