Konovalchik Maria Alekseevna

11.02.2022 Dissertation Council announces, that Maria Alekseevna Konovalchik presented her dissertation “Analysis of changes in general and specific blood serum reagins in patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders depending on blood group antigens” for the degree of candidate of biological sciences in the specialty 1.5.4 - biochemistry. Estimated defense date 27.05.2022 Announcement on the VAK website https://vak.minobrnauki.gov.ru/advert/100065482

Pykhtina Maria Borisovna

28.01.2022 Dissertation Council announces, that Pykhtina Maria Borisovna submitted her dissertation "Apolipoprotein AI-containing chimeric polypeptides as a delivery system for therapeutic biomacromolecules" for the degree of candidate of biological sciences in the specialty 1.5.4 - biochemistry. Estimated defense date 15.04.2022 of the year Announcement on the VAK website https://vak.minobrnauki.gov.ru/advert/100064014