
  • study of the primary structure primarily of the genomes of influenza viruses, circulating as in the human population, as well as among animals, as well as the study of the genomes of other viral pathogens with hemagglutinating activity (paramyxoviruses of various types, including. virus disease to Newcastle), circulating in the bird population in the Asian part of the Russian Federation.
  • analysis of amino acid substitutions, as well as patterns of their accumulation and fixation, detection of changes in antigenic determinants and functional regions of proteins of viral pathogens.
  • study of the genetic basis of the pathogenesis of influenza.
  • detection of viral pathogens in biological samples by molecular biological methods. Typing and subtyping of influenza viruses, circulating among animals.
  • development and testing of methods for rapid identification of influenza viruses types A and B.
  • study of the genetic diversity of viral pathogens.

Sobolev Ivan Andreevich

Head of Laboratory - Senior Researcher. PhD in Biology
+7 (383) 274 94 23

With the participation of Sobolev I.A.. unique variants of paramyxoviruses have been discovered and characterized 1, 4 and 6 types, as well as avian influenza viruses in the Asian part of the Russian Federation, For the first time in the Russian Federation, an outbreak of a new pathogenic reassortant of avian influenza A virus H5N8 was studied and characterized, unique genetic variant discovered and characterized (reassortant) influenza A virus(H1N1), circulating in the pig population.

With the participation of Sobolev I.A.. a large number of influenza virus isolates of various subtypes have been isolated and characterized; created an extensive collection of strains. Influenza virus strains, isolated from people, birds and pigs, deposited in the state collections of microorganisms of the FBSI SSC VB "Vector" and the FGBU "Influenza Research Institute named after. Smorodintsev" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Influenza virus genome sequences obtained during the work, avian paramyxoviruses, human respiratory syncytial virus are registered in the international databases GenBank and GISAID. These studies made it possible to identify the main patterns of ecological relationships in the influenza A virus reservoir system., global migrations of viral populations with birds and mammals (including. aquatic and near-water). Defined area in Western Siberia, key to research on wild bird migration and influenza virus circulation, associated with this natural reservoir.

With the participation of Sobolev I.A.. on clinical material (around 3000 samples of swabs from the nose and throat and about 4000 serum samples) a detailed analysis of the influenza pandemic (2009 – 2010 years) and post-pandemic period in Western Siberia, the main antigenic, molecular biological, immunological properties of epidemically significant influenza virus strains.

Besides, beginning with 2013 Mr., Sobolev I.A.. participates in regular monitoring of respiratory infections in children. Novosibirsk within the framework of the agreement on scientific cooperation with the Children's Clinical Hospital No. 6. Shown, more 70% acute respiratory diseases in children have a viral etiology, while about 10% cases of acute respiratory infections are caused by viral co-infection. The etiological structure of acute respiratory viral infections during epidemic seasons with 2013 on 2017 years.

S 2019 G. scientific team, which includes Sobolev IA., together with the Research Institute of Influenza named after. Smorodyntseva", are participants in the program "Studying the role of influenza viruses in the development of severe forms of acute respiratory viral infections in hospitalized patients", carried out within the framework of the Global Hospital Influenza Surveillance Network system. For this purpose, agreements on scientific cooperation were concluded with infectious diseases hospitals in. Novosibirsk in order to collect clinical material from patients, hospitalized with symptoms of SARS.

Awards and achievements:

  1. Scholarship of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region “For outstanding academic achievement, scientific, scientific, technical and creative activities”
  2. Nominal scholarship from the science city of Koltsovo for postgraduate students (2012)
  3. Award for young scientists FBSI SSC WB "Vector" for the best scientific work (2012)
  4. Award for young scientists FBSI SSC WB "Vector" for the best scientific publication (2012 Mr.).
  5. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students, carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, on 2019-2021 years.


Laboratory staff

  1. Okhlopkova Olesya Viktorovna
    Senior Researcher, candidate of biological sciences
  2. Palyanova Natalia Valerievna
    junior researcher
  3. Stolbunova Kristina Alexandrovna
    junior researcher (inside. sovm.)
  4. Druzyaka Olga Ruslanovna
    junior researcher (inside. sovm.)
  5. Moshkin Alexey Dmitrievich
    junior researcher (inside. sovm.)
  6. Maryna Alekseevna Stepaniuk
    junior researcher (inside. sovm.)
  7. Natalya Maksimovna Levanova
    laboratory assistant