Наименование и основные характеристики приборов с указанием производителя и сведений о метрологической поверке

  1. Microscope laboratory inverted Axiovert 40C
  2. Research microscope Axio Observer D1
  3. Microscope AxioImagerA1/Z1 + ApoTome
  4. Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope LSM 710 with non-linear optics block NLO
  5. Multiphoton laser microscope (non-linear optics unit for laser scanning microscope LSM 710) LSM710/NLO Chameleon
  6. BD FACSCalibur flow cytometer
  7. Complex of equipment based on a programmable device for cyclic precision temperature measurement with an optical measurement unit in a wide spectral range ThermocyclerC1000+CFX96, «GelDoc», SmartSpecPlus, «Protean», «PowerPacPowerSupply», «Sub-CellGT»
  8. Chromatographic complex for the determination of biologically active substances in the set DGU-20A3, SPD-M2OA, LC-20AD, LunaC18
  9. Automatic microplate photometer ELX 808 Biotech
  10. Microplate enzyme immunoassay analyzer ImmumoChem 2100


  1. Flow cytometry
  2. Laser scanning confocal microscopy
  3. Light and fluorescence microscopy
  4. Linked immunosorbent assay
  5. Liquid chromatography
  6. Liquid scintillation detection
  7. Gamma radiation detection