Contact person

Goreva Olga Borisovna

PhD in Biology

+7 (383) 333 40 33

Directions of scientific research, held at the CCU

  • ensuring proteomic research at the modern level using one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis, color registration, fluorescent and chemiluminescent imaging, as well as digital analysis one- and two-dimensional gels, excision of protein gangs or dots from gels and blots, preparation of samples for subsequent mass spectrometric analysis of proteins;
  • provision of services for proteomic analysis of biological objects on existing scientific equipment in the form of collective use to interested users;
  • training of highly qualified specialists during student internships, undergraduates and postgraduates, participating in the implementation of fundamental scientific research in the field of proteomic analysis on the basis of modern scientific equipment of the CUC;
  • development and implementation of new methods of proteomic analysis;
  • holding seminars on modern methods of proteomic analysis of biological objects.

Priority areas (decree to the President of the Russian Federation N 899)

life sciences

Priority directions of the Strategy of scientific and technological revolution (p. 20)

Personalized medicine, high-tech healthcare and technology health savings