Lev Moiseevich Nepomnyashchikh (1937 – 2015)

25 February 2022 the year has passed 85 years
from the birthday of the Honored Worker
of science of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
doctors of medical sciences, professors
Lev Moiseevich Nepomnyashchikh,
more 50 of which was devoted to scientific, medical, pedagogical
and social activities.

Lev Moiseevich was born in. Romny Sumy region (Ukraine). His fate as a pathologist was determined almost immediately after graduating from high school., when he began working as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. After admission to 1957 G. to Novosibirsk Medical Institute, being a 3rd year student, he began to study in a student scientific circle at the Department of Pathological Anatomy and at the same time worked as a senior laboratory assistant in the laboratory of pathomorphology of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin), which was led by the famous morphologist Prof.. Yu.G. Cellarius. In this laboratory, Lev Moiseevich mastered all the modern methods of morphology at that time and performed an original morphohistochemical study on revascularization of the heart muscle.. Having completed this training and graduated from 1963 G. medical institute, L.M. Nepomnyashchikh chose the specialty of a pathologist without hesitation. After specializing in pathological anatomy, he was appointed head of the pathoanatomical department of the Novosibirsk City Clinical Hospital No. 2, where he organized a prosecture and a pathomorphological laboratory.

Being a practical pathologist, L.M. Nepomnyashchikh did not stop doing scientific work and in 1966 G. successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Histochemistry and morphology of acute myocardial ischemia in experiment and clinic".

S 1968 G. Lev Moiseevich worked at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Novosibirsk Medical Institute as an assistant. AT 1970 G. he went to work in the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, which was being created at that time in Novosibirsk, where he first organized a laboratory of pathological anatomy at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and then the department of pathomorphology and morphometry, which became a major pathoanatomical scientific unit and a center for biopsy diagnostics in Siberia. Using modern research methods and a large autopsy and experimental material, Lev Moiseevich completed and 1986 G. defended his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Human Morphology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences on the topic “Morphogenesis and ultrastructural foundations of general pathological processes in the heart: Comprehensive pathoanatomical and experimental study"; in 1987 G. he was approved as a professor in the specialty "pathological anatomy".

AT 1992 G. Lev Moiseevich created the Research Institute of Regional Pathology and Pathomorphology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (currently Institute of Molecular Pathology and Pathomorphology), in which, under his leadership, the main scientific directions were formulated and developed, which made it possible to achieve great results in the study of the structural foundations of pathology, regenerative and adaptive reactions of humans and animals in the regions of Siberia and the North.

Scientific studies of L.M. Nepomnyashchikh are devoted to ultrastructural and molecular-cellular mechanisms of development of acute and chronic heart failure, chronization of pathological processes and induction of regenerative reactions, studying the structural foundations of adaptation to extreme environmental factors. He formulated the concept of different structural mechanisms (morphogenesis strategies) development of acute and chronic pathological processes (alternative and regenerative plastic insufficiency) in modern environmental conditions. A modern concept of reparative regeneration of the myocardium as a highly specialized and highly differentiated tissue system is presented.. Particular attention was paid to the identification of the most important independent types of acute damage to the muscle cells of the heart of metabolic and ischemic origin., assessment of the proliferative potential of cardiomyocytes. In recent years, research has been actively developed to find new approaches to replenish dead cardiomyocytes by stimulating tissue-specific myocardial regeneration using cellular technologies..

For cycle edge, including the monograph "Morphogenesis of the most important general pathological processes in the heart" (1991 Mr.), Lev Moiseevich 1994 G. was awarded a gold medal and a diploma of the N.I. Pirogov RAMS Prize in Medicine.

L.M. Nepomnyashchikh paid great attention to the development, development and implementation in practice of new methods of scientific research in the field of morphology, such as histochemistry, polarization and electron microscopy, radio autograph, morphometry and stereology, immunohistochemistry. The use of such a wide range of methodological approaches made it possible to develop a number of diagnostic and prognostic morphological criteria., allowing to assess the structural and functional state of tissues and organs as in the dynamics of the development of the pathological process, as well as in its correction. The most significant achievements in this area include studies to identify the features of the structural reorganization of grafts in esophageal plasty., establishing ultrastructural criteria for cardiotoxicity, causing the development of acute and chronic heart failure during anticancer therapy using various cytostatics and cytoprotectors, determination of predictors of anemic syndrome, which is a marker of complex toxic effects, reflecting not only the volume of the tumor mass, but also the nature of tumor intoxication in lymphoproliferative diseases.

The formation of L.M. Nepomnyashchikh as a scientist was particularly influenced by major domestic morphologists and pathologists - A.P. Avtsyn, Yu.I.Borodin, I.V.Davydovsky, V.P. Kaznachev, M.Ya.Subbotin, D.S. Sarkisov, A.I. Strukov, Yu.G. Cellarius, whose scientific achievements and traditions he highly valued, continued and developed in his work.

L.M. Nepomnyashchikh is the author of more 600 scientific works, including 6 discoveries, 30 monographs; under his editorship published more than 10 collections of scientific papers and more 20 monographs.

Lev Moiseevich combined intensive scientific and practical activity with a large scientific and social work in Russia and abroad., was the chief pathologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District, Member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council on Medical Problems of Siberia, Far East and Far North, Chairman of the Problem Commission of this Council "Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine", member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on human morphology, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Pathologists, Russian branch of the International Academy of Pathology, editorial board of the journals "Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine", "Cell technologies in biology and medicine", Editorial Board of the Journal "Archive of Pathology", Chairman of the dissertation council D 001.037.01 on the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in the specialties "pathological anatomy" and "cell biology", cytology, histology".

Lev Moiseevich gave a lot of time and effort to the training of highly qualified scientific personnel.. In Siberia, he created a scientific school of morphologists and pathologists. Thanks to his active scientific work and great organizational skills, more 30 students of Lev Moiseevich defended their doctoral dissertations, more 70 – PhD theses.

For merits in scientific activity, L.M. Nepomnyashchikh was awarded medals and honorary awards from a number of domestic and European scientific societies. AT 1993 G. By decree of the President of Russia, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. AT 2004 year he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in the specialty "pathological anatomy".

Lev Moiseevich was a cheerful and charming person, passionately able to defend the interests of the common cause, team led by him. Always tried to help his colleagues, young employees, everyone, who contacted him. His hallmark was devotion to science and, first of all, devotion to domestic scientific traditions, which he highly honored and always tried to develop and instill in his students.