The 21st century is a time of breakthrough technologies and incredible innovations, to create which is the profession of tomorrow! Science has become a sphere, where talented youth can find themselves and develop successfully.

Today Russia has set a course for an innovative breakthrough. The national project "Science and Universities" is being implemented in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 7 May 2018 G. No 204 "On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 year" and from 21 July 2020 G. No 474 “On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 of the year". Its key task is to educate and support a new generation of scientists, able to make great discoveries.

Within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities" significant funds are allocated to support scientists and the creation of scientific centers with first-class conditions for research work. Besides, work is underway on the construction and modernization of scientific- research fleet, improving digital infrastructure, as well as creating a comfortable environment for students, students, scientists and teachers.

The national project "Science and Universities" includes 4 federal projects:

  • Development of human capital in the interests of the regions, industries and research and development sectors;
  • Development of large-scale scientific and scientific-technological projects in priority research areas;
  • Development of integration processes in the field of science, higher education and industry;
  • Development of infrastructure for research and training.

Development of human capital in the interests of the regions, industries and research and development sectors (STAFF)

Task: increasing the attractiveness of Russian science and education for leading Russian and foreign scientists, young researchers and students.

Activities are aimed at:

  1. ensuring accessibility of higher education;
  2. creation of a balanced system of personnel reproduction for
    research and development sectors;
  3. raising the level of qualification of managerial personnel in the field
    science and higher education.

AT 2024 year:

  • 362 500 budget places for full-time studies in undergraduate and specialist programs.
  • 35 250 foreign citizens are attracted to study with the help of olympiads and competitions.
  • 7 500 scientific projects according to the priorities of scientific and technological development.
  • 7 000 grants to graduate students as part of the implementation of scientific and scientific and technological projects.
  • 950 employees of scientific and educational organizations were trained under the management training program.
  • 900 youth laboratories.
  • 800 heads of scientific and educational organizations - personnel reserve.
  • 600 programs of intra-Russian academic mobility, taking into account the tasks of the spatial development of the Russian Federation and the development of priority territories.
  • 500 subsidies for training under advanced training programs for scientific and pedagogical workers for the development and implementation of disciplines in the field of legal protection, protection and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity and developments.
  • 300 supported scientific projects and research in the field of socio-political sciences.
  • 156 world-class laboratories.
  • 15 competence development centers for scientific leaders, scientific and technical projects and laboratories within the REC.

Development of large-scale scientific and scientific-technological projects in priority research areas (RESEARCH LEADERSHIP)

Task: development of large-scale scientific and scientific-technological projects in priority research areas.

Activities are aimed at:

  1. achievement of significant results on the priorities of the strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia;
  2. increasing the attractiveness of Russian science and education through the creation of world and regional thematic centers.

AT 2024 year:

  • 750 Russian scientific journals are included in international databases (WEB of Science или Scopus, WEB of Science и Scopus).
  • 238 sea ​​expeditions on research vessels.
  • 42 activities in the field of synchrotron and neutron research were provided with state support.
  • 35 breeding and breeding centers.
  • 35 technology transfer centers and 16 world-class scientific centers received state support.
  • 30 annual subscriptions in the information and communication network “Internet” to scientific journals, science citation databases.
  • 25 measures for the development of genetic technologies and 11 regional scientific and educational mathematical centers received state support.
  • 24 center of the National Technology Initiative created and supported.
  • 19 activities to involve universities in creating an ecosystem of student technology entrepreneurship.
  • 5 large-scale world-class scientific projects received state support.
  • 4 world-class international mathematical centers.
  • Network of 3 bioresource centers.
  • 3 world-class genomic research centers (consortia) provided state support for creation and development programs.
  • NLA was developed for the creation and development of agrobiotechnoparks.
  • International scientific research at a unique megascience class scientific facility – International Center for Neutron Research based on the PIK high-flux reactor and in the Complex of Superconducting Rings on Colliding Heavy Ion Beams NICA.

Development of integration processes in the field of science, higher education and industry (INTEGRATION)

Task: strengthening measures to stimulate and develop associations
universities, scientific organizations and organizations of the real sector of the economy.
Activities are aimed at:

  1. creation of integration scientific-educational and scientific-production structures of the world level;
  2. raising the level of regional systems of higher education and science by consolidating the resources of stakeholders, including regions.

AT 2024 year:

  • Support for scientific and industrial cooperation 104 universities, scientific institutions and industrial enterprises for the implementation of complex projects for the creation of high-tech industries.
  • 102 universities are supported to form a group of universities – national leaders for:
    • scientific, technological and personnel support of the economy and social sphere;
    • increasing the global competitiveness of the higher education system;
    • promoting regional development.
  • 15 world-class scientific and educational centers.
  • Network of 8 specialized educational research centers for the training of highly qualified personnel on the basis of leading universities.
  • Regulatory framework for the implementation of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030".
  • Methodology for accounting for the share of employed graduates of educational institutions of higher education (OOVO).
  • The mechanism for attracting and accounting for extrabudgetary sources of funding in the research and development sector.

Development of infrastructure for research and training (INFRASTRUCTURE)

Task: provision of advanced infrastructure for scientific
Activities are aimed at:

  1. updating the instrument base of leading organizations;
  2. continuation of the creation of unique scientific installations of the "megascience" class;
  3. construction and modernization of the research fleet;
  4. improving the digital infrastructure of science and education;
  5. providing comfortable conditions for students and scientific and pedagogical workers.

AT 2024 year:

  • 19 engineering centers.
  • 13 complexes of digital services and solutions in the field of science and higher education.
  • Modernized 5 operating research vessels: "Academician Nikolai Strakhov", "Academician Sergei Vavilov", "Academician M.A. Lavrentiev", "Academician Mstislav Keldysh" and "Academician Ioffe".
  • 2 new research vessels of unlimited navigation area.
  • Updated infrastructure and instrument base of leading organizations.
  • Increased level of technical equipment of the research and development sector.
  • Financial support for the development of a new generation national research computer network in the interests of leading scientific and educational organizations.
  • Unique scientific installation of the "megascience" class of the TsKP “SCYTHIAN” With 6 experimental stations.
  • A unique scientific installation of the "megascience" class on about. Russian in the Far Eastern Federal District.
  • Research stations of the International Center for Neutron Research based on the PIK high-flux reactor.
  • Development of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the field of higher education and additional professional education.
  • Kurchatov specialized source of synchrotron radiation "KISI-Kurchatov".
  • Scientific and Educational Medical Center for Nuclear Medicine on the basis of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute".
  • Information and analytical system for operational monitoring and evaluation of the state of scientific and technical support for research in the field of genetic technologies.
  • Modernized pilot production of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"