What is a REC and why are they needed??
A world-class scientific and educational center is an association supported by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation without forming a legal entity of federal state educational organizations of higher education and (or) scientific organizations with organizations, operating in the real sector of the economy, and carrying out activities in accordance with the program of activities of the center.
Scientific and educational centers (SERIOUS) are created in the regions, taking into account local trends and needs. First of all, RECs are designed to establish a link between the, what happens in the lab, and business.
What will the NCMU do??
World-class scientific centers differ in types and are created in order to carry out breakthrough research, mainly of a fundamental and exploratory nature, aimed at solving problems, corresponding to the world level of relevance and significance. They are designed to combine the potential of leading universities to solve large-scale economic and scientific problems., scientific organizations and enterprises of the real sector.
What kind of support can young scientists get??
At the state level for young scientists, carrying out advanced research in the areas of scientific and technological development and modernization of the Russian economy, a system of support measures has been established - financial, social and professional. Financial support includes grants from the President of the Russian Federation for young candidates and doctors of sciences, presidential and government scholarships for young scientists and graduate students, as well as grants, provided by scientific support funds, scientific, technical and innovative activities.
Social support is related to the issue of providing young scientists with housing. As for professional support, here it is connected with the creation of world-class scientific, educational and scientific centers, as well as the launch of the federal project "Development of advanced infrastructure for research and development in the Russian Federation", which is aimed at updating the instrument base.
What is the purpose of the work of engineering centers?
The development of cooperation between science and large Russian enterprises is one of the priorities of the national project "Science and Universities". An important role in the commercialization of research and development, as well as their transfer to the real sector of the economy, engineering centers play.
Thanks to the work of the Engineering Centers, the efficiency of scientific and educational activities of universities increases, expanding the range of fundamental and applied research. The creation of engineering centers allows for the commercialization and launch of research and development results on the market, as well as speed up the process of import substitution.
What tasks are being implemented as part of infrastructure development?
The tasks of the national project include providing an advanced infrastructure for scientific research, including updating the instrumentation base of leading organizations, as well as the creation of unique scientific installations of the "megascience" class. Besides, construction and modernization of the research fleet is planned, improvement of digital infrastructure, creation of comfortable conditions for schoolchildren, students, scientists and teachers.
What is Priority 2030?
Priority 2030 is a government support program for Russian universities, the purpose of which is to form 2030 more than a hundred progressive modern educational institutions - centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country. The program is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Russia in the field of education, science and technology. It is also designed to support the contribution of Russian universities to the achievement of Russia's national development goals up to 2030 of the year.