Activities – genetic engineering technologies for the production of recombinant cytokines and enzymes and the creation on their basis of new generation candidate medical preparations for immunotherapy and regenerative medicine.

Research methods – microbiological, molecular biological and genetic engineering.

Beklemishev Anatoly Borisovich

Head of Laboratory - Chief Researcher. Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor

+7 (383) 274 94 26

Graduated in 1969 G. Kazakh State University named after. CM. Kirov, in 1974 G. defended his thesis on the topic "Comparative study of the physicochemical properties of ribosomes and ribosomal subparticles of higher plants and mammals" in the specialty "biochemistry". The area of ​​his scientific interests in this period of time is the study of the regulation of protein biosynthesis at the level of translation. He was the first to demonstrate the possibility of forming functionally active hybrid ribosomes from ribosomal subparticles of higher plants and mammals.

S 1978 on 1986 Mr. Mr. worked at the All-Russian Research Institute of Molecular Biology (now SSC VB "Vector") where he formed a circle of scientific interests, determined all his subsequent scientific activity. Under his leadership, the institute began work on the creation of a new generation of vaccines.. The main scientific works during this period are devoted to the structural and functional study of the genomes of pathogenic viruses and the development of molecular vaccines and diagnostic products using modern methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering.. Research in this direction was carried out by Beklemishev A.B.. and in subsequent years. AT 2004 G. defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Using the methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering for the design of vaccine and diagnostic products" in the specialties "biochemistry" and "molecular biology". AT 2010 year he was awarded the title of professor in the specialty "molecular biology".

During his work at the Research Institute of Biochemistry of the FRC FTM SB RAS, test systems for diagnosing tuberculosis were developed in the laboratory led by him, Lyme borreliosis, hepatitis B and C, as well as, together with Biotest LLC, an immunochromatographic system for the early detection of myocardial infarction. For the last 8 years in the laboratory, yeast strains producing interferon-α2b and human colony-stimulating factors G-CSF were constructed, GM-CSF and their chimeric forms with apoA-I, on the basis of which it is planned to create immunobiological medicinal preparations in the future.

Is the author 132 articles, published in domestic and foreign journals, including: one monograph and 19 inventions. Under his leadership, executed and protected 9 PhD theses.

A.B. Beklemishev - member Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses at FGBNU "FITs FTM" (speciality - 1.5.4. "biochemistry", medical and biological sciences).

Laboratory staff

  1. Beklemishev Anatoly Borisovich
    Chief Researcher Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor
    +7 (383) 274 94 26
  2. Pykhtina Maria Borisovna
    Senior Researcher, candidate of biological sciences
  3. Kaplin Vladimir Sergeevich
    Senior Researcher, candidate of biological sciences
  4. Kulikov Yaroslav Mikhailovich
    Junior Research Fellow
  5. Konovalova Tatyana Valerievna