Activities – study of the role of resident macrophages in the regulation of physiological, restorative and reparative regeneration in organs and tissues under functional stress of the body; elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of stromal-parenchymal interactions; study of the role of native and modified apolipoprotein A-I in the regulation of gene expression in the liver and red bone marrow.

Research methods – cell and molecular biology, biochemical, biophysical.

Usynin Ivan Fedorovich

Head of Laboratory - Chief Researcher. Doctor of Biological Sciences

+7 (383) 274 94 15

AT 1977 G. Graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Tomsk State University, in 1987 G. defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Biochemical analysis of functional heterogeneity of hepatocytes", in 1998 G. – doctoral dissertation on the topic “The role of macrophages in the regulation of metabolic processes in the liver during the functional stress of the body”.

S 1978 G. worked at IKEM SO RAMS, With 1989 G. – at the Research Institute of Biochemistry SB RAMS, With 2001 G. – at the Center for Molecular Medicine at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), With 2003 G. - New York University Medical Center (NY, USA). S 2006 of the year - Head of the Laboratory of Mechanisms of Intercellular Interactions, Research Institute of Biochemistry. Since November 2015 G. Until now – Director of the Research Institute of Biochemistry.

The main areas of scientific research are the study of the role of resident macrophages in the regulation of physiological, restorative and reparative regeneration in organs and tissues under functional stress of the body; elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of stromal-parenchymal interactions; study of the role of native and modified apolipoprotein A-I in the regulation of gene expression in the liver and red bone marrow.

Usynin I.F.. for the first time, the regulatory effect of apolipoprotein A-I on the functional activity of liver cells and red bone marrow was shown, the molecular mechanisms of the participation of resident macrophages and the system of mononuclear phagocytes in the regulation of regenerative-restorative processes in organs and tissues in normal and damaged conditions were studied; The regulatory properties of the surface protein of malarial plasmodium were studied on isolated Kupffer cells Plasmodium sickles. He is the author of more 160 scientific publications, It has 3 a patent for an invention and a diploma for a scientific discovery.

Usynin I.F.. - vice-chairman Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses at FGBNU "FITs FTM" (speciality - 1.5.4. "biochemistry", medical and biological sciences) and member Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses at FGBNU "FITs FTM" (speciality - 1.5.22 "cell biology", biological sciences).

Laboratory staff

  1. Usynin Ivan Fedorovich
    Chief Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences
    +7 (383) 274 94 15
  2. Poteryaeva Olga Nikolaevna
    Leading Researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, docent
  3. Dudarev Alexey Nikolaevich
    Senior Researcher, candidate of biological sciences
  4. Kuznetsov Pavel Alexandrovich
    Senior Researcher, candidate of biological sciences
  5. Miroshnichenko Svetlana Mikhailovna
  6. Nepsha Tatyana Alexandrovna
    Junior Research Fellow
  7. Gorodetskaya Anna Yurievna
    Junior Research Fellow