Director of the institute
Selyatitskaya Vera Georgievna
Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor
+7 (383) 274 94 84

Scientific departments and laboratories of NIIECM

Department of General Pathology

Laboratory of Structural Foundations of the Pathogenesis of Socially Significant Diseases

(supervisor – Doctor of Biological Sciences Molodykh Olga Pavlovna)

Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Free Radical Processes
(head - doctor of medical sciences Menshchikova Elena Bronislavovna)

Laboratory of Biocompatible Nanoparticles, nanomaterials and means of targeted delivery
(head - candidate of medical sciences Troitsky Alexander Vasilyevich)

Connective Tissue Biochemistry Group
(head - doctor of medical sciences, Kim Lena Borisovna)

Department of Medical and Ecological Research

Endocrinology laboratory
(head - doctor of biological sciences, Professor Selyatitskaya Vera Georgievna)

Laboratory of pathogenesis of somatic diseases
(head - doctor of medical sciences Nikolaev Yuri Alekseevich)

Immunology laboratory
(head - Doctor of Medical Sciences Obukhova Olga Olegovna)

Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Neurology
(head - doctor of medical sciences, Professor Pylypenko Pavel Ivanovich)

Laboratory for the Study of Viral Diseases of Plants and Animals

(supervisor – candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher Maria Borisovna Pykhtina)